Green Homes News

Advice for Heat Pump Equipment Selection

Green Homes 2 - Fri, 2024-05-31 12:19
Hello everyone...really appreciative of the community here. First time poster...long time lurker!   I humbly am asking to have some eyes (and input) on my selection process for Mitsu heat pump…
Categories: Green Homes

Low-Carbon Pozzolanic Cement

Green Homes 2 - Fri, 2024-05-31 08:00
Eco Materials Technologies produces a substitute for Portland cement that is being used to rebuild swaths of America’s dated infrastructure
Categories: Green Homes


Green Homes 2 - Fri, 2024-05-31 07:21
What is the best green material for new decks?
Categories: Green Homes

Zip Tape got wet in rain — can I still use

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-05-30 17:31
Sheathing crew--surprise surprise!--failed to roll the ZIP tape immediately after installing and we got a big rain shower today that caused water to get behind the tape and bubble, plus…
Categories: Green Homes

Closed Cell Foam on Rublestone Basement – Zone 5A

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-05-30 13:09
Hello,Here is the scenario:  Zone 5A with a basement 7' high, there is NO bulk water issues as the exterior grading diverts the water properly. The basement does NOT have…
Categories: Green Homes

Loads and Deflection on XPS Insulated Interior Footings

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-05-30 12:15
We're building a single-story, slab on grade house out in rural Washington State. Very heavy snow loads at 134 psf. Shed roof uses large exposed Glulam Beams often on bearing…
Categories: Green Homes

Cold roof detail Zone 5A

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-05-30 06:44
Hello,I have designed the attached cold roof detail.  Now that the project is about to start, I have been thinking on modifying the insulation setup.  I want to use a…
Categories: Green Homes

Starting on the Path to Better Water Quality

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-05-30 02:00
To ensure clean, safe water from your faucets, it must be tested and monitored regularly—just like many other components that go into a healthy home
Categories: Green Homes

Unconditioned attic: Attic access hatch in conditioned or unconditioned space?

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 21:19
Attic will be unconditioned and vented, Zone 5 (Iowa).  Builder proposes attic hatch in garage (which will be unconditioned).  But I wondered if it should be inside the conditioned space.I've…
Categories: Green Homes

Frost Protected Shallow Wood Foundations (Wood FPSF or Helical Pier grade beam)

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 13:22
A 18x24 addition project at which I am tasked at minimum site disturbance in order to protect existing landscape and plants, I've begun to seriously consider two options:1. Frost protected…
Categories: Green Homes

shoulder season humidity passive house

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 11:34
Hey - I know this has been asked and answered before, just want to run what I'm doing to see if it makes sense.I have a passive house retrofit in…
Categories: Green Homes

Insulating a 1940’s Cape Cod in Climate Zone 7

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 11:20
I'm remodeling a 950 square foot 1940's cape cod house with an unfinished basement that we plan to insulate in the future. The house is in Southeast Alaska, Climate Zone…
Categories: Green Homes

Climate and Health Research Network

Green Homes - Wed, 2024-05-29 11:00
Location: Virtual

Our community of scholars works to coordinate, support, and amplify climate and health research.... Read more about Climate and Health Research Network

Categories: Green Homes

EVR sizing for a small portion of a normal size house?

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 10:42
  TLDR: I want to put an EVR on my second floor only but I can't find once small enough.I am located in the northern climate zone, in Massachusetts. My house…
Categories: Green Homes

Ants in crevice at door threshold corners, exposed plywood

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 08:57
I noticed something interesting on site yesterday. There is an ant party going on at the bottom corners of the exterior doors where many materials intersect. I think this indicates…
Categories: Green Homes

Insulation under Radiant Heating?

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 08:19
Section drawings for radiant heat (or hydronic tubing if you prefer) located in or under a subfloor usually show batt insulation under the tubing, with what appears to a ~3"…
Categories: Green Homes

Seeking Expert Advice on Moisture Management for Historic Home with New Insulation

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 07:27
Hello GBA community,I'm seeking advice on managing moisture in a historic duplex built approximately 125 to 175 years ago. I recently participated in the Connecticut Home Energy Solutions℠ program, which…
Categories: Green Homes

Financing Solar Power, Part 1

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-05-29 02:00
Navigating the cost-benefits of renewable solar energy is challenging in a seemingly chaotic market but breaking down the funding avenues is a good first step
Categories: Green Homes

TCNA Requirements for stone tile

Green Homes 2 - Tue, 2024-05-28 20:04
Hello all,I am installing a marble mosaic tile in a half bathroom and I just have a quick question. The current subfloor is Advantech 23/32 T&G installed over 16" o.c. joists.…
Categories: Green Homes

Sealed Unvented Attic Moisture/Temperature Issues

Green Homes 2 - Tue, 2024-05-28 14:58
New self-built home with unvented, conditioned attic space started becoming very humid.  I added a dehumidifer and now it is becoming very hot in the space, therefore defeating the purpose…
Categories: Green Homes


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