Green Homes News

Rough-in penetrations when plugging up basement windows

Green Homes 2 - Fri, 2024-11-15 09:22
I live in an 1850s farmhouse in upstate NY, Climate Zone 5A. I’m planning to hire a contractor to apply closed-cell spray foam to the interior of the rubble foundation…
Categories: Green Homes

Prefab Bathrooms and Kitchens

Green Homes 2 - Fri, 2024-11-15 02:00
Modular construction applied to the two hardest-working rooms in a house
Categories: Green Homes

Climate and Mental Health

Green Homes - Thu, 2024-11-14 16:00
Location: Virtual and Kresge 202a, HSPH, 677 Huntington Ave, Boston

HACE kicks off its Climate and Health series with Climate and Mental Health, co-sponsored by Harvard Alumni for Mental Health (HAMH). This hybrid event will be followed by networking both online as well as in-person. Panelists will present on climate change, impacts on mental health, and how to manage eco-anxiety and protect mental health from climate threats.... Read more about Climate and Mental Health

Categories: Green Homes

air sealing

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-11-14 11:14
how best to maintain air barrier at insulated ceilings when installing LED pot lights
Categories: Green Homes

Pump for New House ?

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-11-14 08:21
Categories: Green Homes

Fast Flash and Zip Tape Together

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-11-14 07:57
I feel like I've seen videos of this before, but having a hard time tracking those down. Curious to find out how well Prosoco's Fast Flash and Zip Tape work…
Categories: Green Homes

How to Clean a Ductless Minisplit

Green Homes 2 - Thu, 2024-11-14 02:00
A rundown of the reasons ductless minisplit heads collect dirt and best practices for cleaning them
Categories: Green Homes

how best to insulate under metal roof

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 20:34
OK, I am lost ... the more I ask and read, the more confused I get.  I am hoping someone can help straighten me out.I am building a large workshop …
Categories: Green Homes

EV Shared Power

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 19:11
Separate garage, away from the main house panel, has a rarely used portable AC unit, powered by a 250v/20 amp circuit.What type of switch would be a code compliant (safe)…
Categories: Green Homes

Discrepancies between estimated and actual wind power generation in the U.S. and China

Green Homes - Wed, 2024-11-13 13:00
Location: Pierce Hall, Room 100F, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

A Harvard-China Project Research Seminar with Dr. Haiyang Lin, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-China Project... Read more about Discrepancies between estimated and actual wind power generation in the U.S. and China

Categories: Green Homes

Can you vent the top of a rain screen into the attic?

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 12:50
In designing our new home in a dry area of the Pacific Northwest, my wife and I want to design for fire resistance as much as possible. One point of…
Categories: Green Homes

Will adding polyiso to current setup cause issues?

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 11:41
Hi Im just south of Austin, so zone 2a,  I just built a workshop, with a vented cathedral roof (for loft storage), I havent installed any interior drywall/plywood  yet so…
Categories: Green Homes

Worried about dew point

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 10:23
I'm in climate zone 6a. I plan on building a new home and using zip sheathing as a wrb and halo exterra 2 inch insulation, which is an r10 eps.…
Categories: Green Homes

XPS + 2×6 AF options MN

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 06:06
I’m currently designing a new house build for myself to live in. Looking to really make it energy efficient. I live in northern MN where it gets extremely cold during…
Categories: Green Homes

All About Paint

Green Homes 2 - Wed, 2024-11-13 02:00
Learn best practices for selecting paints and primers, prepping surfaces, applying coats, and clean up, among other tips gathered from pros
Categories: Green Homes

New flooring problems?

Green Homes 2 - Tue, 2024-11-12 14:40
We ordered select grade wood and spent an extra $1800 to avoid boards with defects and such. Came to our needs build to see this. Seems like wood filler everywhere? Will…
Categories: Green Homes

Climate Engineering Uncertainty and Confidence: What do we really know?

Green Homes - Tue, 2024-11-12 10:15
Location: HUCE Seminar Room 440, 26 Oxford Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

Climate engineering is increasingly being discussed as a potential, temporary means of alleviating some of the worst effects of climate change.  If society is going to pursue it someday, we need to have confidence that it will do what it is intended to do.  So how do we know?... Read more about Climate Engineering Uncertainty and Confidence: What do we really know?

Categories: Green Homes

Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Energy Transitions in Mexico

Green Homes - Tue, 2024-11-12 10:00
Location: HUCE 429, 26 Oxford Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

Salata Scholars Seminars are dedicated to climate, sustainability, and environmental work done by Harvard students and fellows. Its goal is to embrace the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability research that can’t be confined to a single Harvard school and help like-minded people connect with each other. Each week, there will be one or two brief talks followed by vegan dinner and discussion.... Read more about Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Energy Transitions in Mexico

Categories: Green Homes

Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Energy Transitions in Mexico

Green Homes - Tue, 2024-11-12 10:00
Location: HUCE 429, 26 Oxford Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

Salata Scholars Seminars are dedicated to climate, sustainability, and environmental work done by Harvard students and fellows. Its goal is to embrace the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability research that can’t be confined to a single Harvard school and help like-minded people connect with each other. Each week, there will be one or two brief talks followed by vegan dinner and discussion.... Read more about Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Energy Transitions in Mexico

Categories: Green Homes


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