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Maciej Zwieniecki - Understanding Forest Ecosystems Through Seasonal Nonstructural Carbohydrates Dynamics... Read more about Harvard Forest Seminars: Understanding Forest Ecosystems Through Seasonal Nonstructural Carbohydrates Dynamics
What would it mean for a city to be ecologically robust and socially just? What would such a place be like? Through what means might such a vision be accomplished? And how might change be created and sustained? These are not questions to be explored in the abstract. They call for action research, for testing ideas in practice, and engaging with real people in actual places to make discoveries from which principles can be drawn.... Read more about Frederick Law Olmsted Lecture: Anne Whiston Spirn, “Restoring Nature, Rebuilding Community”
What would it mean for a city to be ecologically robust and socially just? What would such a place be like? Through what means might such a vision be accomplished? And how might change be created and sustained?... Read more about Frederick Law Olmsted Lecture: Anne Whiston Spirn, “Restoring Nature, Rebuilding Community”
Salata Scholars Seminars are dedicated to climate, sustainability, and environmental work done by Harvard students and fellows. Its goal is to embrace the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability research that can’t be confined to a single Harvard school and help like-minded people connect with each other. Each week, there will be one or two brief talks followed by vegan dinner and discussion.... Read more about Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Confessions from a former Oil and Gas professional
Salata Scholars Seminars are dedicated to climate, sustainability, and environmental work done by Harvard students and fellows. Its goal is to embrace the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability research that can’t be confined to a single Harvard school and help like-minded people connect with each other. Each week, there will be one or two brief talks followed by vegan dinner and discussion.... Read more about Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Confessions from a former Oil and Gas professional
Salata Scholars Seminars are dedicated to climate, sustainability, and environmental work done by Harvard students and fellows. Its goal is to embrace the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability research that can’t be confined to a single Harvard school and help like-minded people connect with each other.... Read more about Salata Scholars Seminar Series: Inequality in Outdoor Occupational Exposure to Heat Waves in India
The climate crisis poses ethical and political challenges of the highest magnitude—challenges that go beyond technical innovation and policy reform. In this panel discussion, speakers will address these questions, as well as the multinational and multifaceted ways that global climate change undermines conventional understandings of ethical responsibility, political community, and rational decision-making.... Read more about Catastrophic Dilemmas: Ethical and Political Dimensions of Climate Change
It is widely believed that global warming will make land surfaces drier, on average. Yet, the same climate models used to project strong aridification show no obvious signs of drastic drying in relevant land surface variables, such as soil water storage or ecosystem productivity.... Read more about EPS Colloquium: Kaighin McColl